Members of BioFrankfurt

Regular members

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...inspiring university teaching

...diverse scientific research on sustainability and biodiversity

...scientific research projects, e.g. interdisciplinary research on the robustness of natural and social systems

...scientific excursions and the science garden

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...conservation work in 18 countries

...the “conservation ambassadors” at Frankfurt Zoo

...lectures, reports and publications

...impressions from important wilderness areas on our planet

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...


...collections and scientific research

...educational programmes and lecture series

...our own enthusiasm for nature

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...the variety of living plants from all over the world

...the diversity of habitats presented open air and in green houses

...the great range of educational offers as well as cultural and artistic formats on horticultural, botanical and ecological topics

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...various animal species from all habitats and continents

...offers in zoologiscal education

...numerous environmental education projects

...action days

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...a concept for species and biotope protection for the city of Frankfurt am Main

...the Frankfurt “Green Belt” as a place for local recreation and a place of learning for education about sustainable development

...the protection and further development of urban habitats for humans and animals

...the implementation of legal standards for the protection of nature and landscape

...the work of the Lower Nature Conservation Authority

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...a variety of animal species, conservation breeding programmes and reintroductions

...cooperation with and support for nature conservation organizations, including the Nature Conservation Euro

...the green oasis zoo in the middle of the city

...zoological education programs

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...scientific studies on wildlife in Hesse

...political lobbying for nature and species conservation

...environmental education and information

...hands on measures of species protection maintenance of biotops

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...sporting nature experience

...environmental education and communication

...numerous cooperations

...concepts and recommendations for action

Associate members

"With us, you can experience biodiversity through..."

...diverse products from locally cultivated plants and special crops

...multi-layered wines from vibrant vineyards

...safeguarding biodiversity in nature conservation projects

...biodiversity projects in species conservation and the Rhine-Main region

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

…the wonderful world of orchards: see, taste, feel, hear and experience

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...

...rainforest and species conservation projects

...educational programmes for students, teachers and adults in Germany and Costa Rica cooperation and volunteer work

With us, you can experience biodiversity through...…“

...local birds explained up close

...excursions to natural areas in and around Frankfurt

...scientific lectures and travel reports from all over the world

...youth education